Sunday, 31 March 2013

Introduction to Scratch programming

Repeating Command Sequence

Click on image to view video.

This activity was very engaging and rewarding when the sequence of commands worked. I was able to add sound to the movements of the sprite and apply colour changes to the sprite. My achievements were rewarded with visual and oral recognition.

Drawing regular polygons

The creation of regular polygons was an interesting activity. I learned that instead of duplicating a block of steps four times to make a square, I could enclose one set of steps in a repeat four block to achieve the same outcome. I decided to use individual sprites to draw a variety of polygons. This enabled me to reflect on the blocks used to make a square and alter this information to assist with the creation of a rectangle and an equilateral triangle. 

Drawing regular polygons to make a house shape 


Click on image to view video

To create the house I combined and modified the  blocks used previously to have one sprite join a square and an equilateral triangular to form a house shape. 

Both activities would be useful in teaching students degrees of angles in different polygons and number of sides required to make a variety of polygons.

Programming an Etch-a-Sketch


Click on image to view video

This activity allowed me to explore directional commands using the arrow keys and attach colour and width changes to each key. I was also able to attach a different sound relevant to each key.

Racing car game

Click on image to view video

Through engagement with the racing car activity my knowledge was extended to include creating backgrounds, designing a sprite, programming a sprite to pivot, creating acknowledgement and consequence sequences and a timer.

Pong game

Click on image to view video 

The pong game enabled me to set a script and apply it to the paddle sprite, and create variables and restrictions that could be applied to a ball sprite to create a simple game.


Scratch is a program developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group. It is free and easy to download and install onto most computers. It is a programming language, which enables individuals to create unique interactive stories, games, animations, art and music and share them on the web. Engaging with Scratch develops mathematical and computational ideas, creativity and systematical reasoning skills (Lifelong Kindergarten Group, n.d.).

The following video provides a brief description of Scratch capabilities.


The thought of learning Scratch made me feel quite anxious. I felt the programming requirements of Scratch would far exceed any knowledge I had and felt I would struggle to achieve completion of the allocated tasks. However, I was surprised to find that by carefully following the information provided I was able to enjoy learning the programming techniques and achieve each set task. 

Initially I learned how to manipulate a sprite, change colour and apply sound to the movements. When creating regular polygons, I learned to enclose one set of steps in a repeat block instead of duplicating a block. I used this information to assist with the drawing of a house shape using minimal blocks. Programming an Etch-a-Sketch allowed me to explore directional commands using the arrow keys and attach colour, width changes and sound to each command. The racing car task extended my knowledge to include creating backgrounds, designing and pivoting a sprite, creating acknowledgement and consequence sequences and inserting a timer. Creating the pong game involved previously learned programming techniques and extended my knowledge to program interactive sprites. These tasks scaffold my learning which gave me confidence to participate in the extension project task. 

The previous tasks link to the Australian Curriculum: Technologies under digital technologies, where I gained knowledge and understanding of the components of digital systems: software, hardware and networks, which incorporated the process and production skills of using a range of digital systems as well as creating and communicating information. The tasks also linked to the design and technologies knowledge and understanding of design concepts that integrated the process and production skills where I was required to explore and investigate then generate, develop and evaluate design ideas to produce a design solution (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013). 

My engagement with Scratch confirmed my understanding of the importance of scaffolding student learning. It was essential to my learning that I engaged with basic achievable tasks to build my confidence and self-efficacy. This made me keen to participate in the set and extension tasks, even though at times I struggled. I identified the importance of structure in programming and found if one step was missed the program did not function effectively. In saying this, I do believe it was beneficial for me to freely explore the program, which also contributed to my learning.    
Scratch provides opportunities for students to develop creative and critical thinking and problem-solving and communication skills while working individually or collaboratively (Doyle, 2012).  Once students have a basic understanding of Scratch programming they would be able to develop a unique program relevant to any of the key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum. For example:- Digital Technologies process and production skills 4.6 Design and implement simple visual programs with user input and branching (ACARA, 2013). Students could use Scratch to incorporate their knowledge and understanding of polygons and construct a program for a specific polygon. Peers could then identify the polygon by reading the program and check their prediction by running the program.  


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2013). Draft Australian curriculum: Technologies. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from

Doyle, C. (2012). 2013 Scratch competition open to young programmers. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from

Lifelong Kindergarten Group. (n.d.). About scratch. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from

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